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Новая школа в Таджикистане – в дар от Туркменистана

Railway training school

In his first book, the respected President notes “Youth is the pride of the country”: “The harmonious development of every state and society is connected with science.”

Subordinate to the Turkmendemiryollary agency, the Railway Vocational School was established in 1976 in Turkmenabat.

The main goal of the school is to train capable specialists with primary education, requiring skills in all areas of the railway transport industry, to provide them with primary vocational education and to ensure a strong connection of students with our national history, culture, traditions of universal values, and is the education of youth.

The school is equipped with classrooms, teaching aids, literature, textbooks, regulations, teaching aids and appropriate resources.

The railway vocational school trains specialists in the following areas:

- assistant locomotive driver;

- station duty officer;

- electromechanical installer for installation of power supply and communications equipment on railways;

- wagon inspector, repairman.

The school currently enrolls students in full-time and part-time (evening) forms of study for 1.5 years. Training is provided on a paid basis. Also in 2024, it is planned to admit 210 students to this school “The Fount of the Mind of Magtymguly Fragi”.

For the 2024-2025 academic year, it is planned to increase the number of students, and subsequently open 3-month, 6-month and 10-month short-term courses depending on the period of study.

At the school, student practice is carried out in enterprises and branches of the railway industry, namely: as an assistant driver - in the 26th branch of the Demiryollary Open Joint Stock Company, as a station duty officer in the 19th branch - Turkmenabat-1, Turkmenabat station, as an electrician-installer. installation of power supply and communication equipment on railways - in the 23rd branch, and the economic company "Turkmenabat Car Repair Depot" and in the 21st branch of the joint-stock company.

It is planned that students from the velayats will undergo practical training according to the plan at their place of residence.

The specialists trained by the Railway Vocational School of Turkmenabad make a great contribution to the development of our national economy through its diversification, to improving the work of institutions and enterprises of the country's railway transport.