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Президент Туркменистана произвел кадровые перестановки в судебной системе

Заседание Государственного совета безопасности Туркменистана

«Туркменарагатнашык» участвует во Всемирной выставке «умных городов» в Сеуле

Президент Туркменистана провёл рабочее совещание по цифровой системе

Türkmen halkynyň Milli Lideri, Türkmenistanyň Halk Maslahatynyň Başlygy “Çalyk Holding” kompaniýalar toparynyň ýolbaşçysy bilen duşuşdy

Президент Туркменистана поздравил Президента Социалистической Республики Вьетнам

Глава государства принял участие в открытии новых объектов в столице

Новая школа в Таджикистане – в дар от Туркменистана

Association "Turkmen Logistics" and the port of Turkmenbashi use the transit potential of Turkmenistan

The Turkmen Logistics Association and the Turkmenbashi International Sea Port signed a Memorandum of Understanding and a Joint Action Plan for 2024 to realize the transit potential of the port, the publication “Turkmenistan: Golden Age” reports.

The documents identify key areas of cooperation that will strengthen the position of the Turkmen port in the global transport and logistics system. The parties agreed to inform international partners about the port’s capabilities and exchange experience with transport companies to create favorable conditions for cargo transportation.

Conferences and round tables are also planned with the participation of large logistics companies from Central Asia, Russia, China and other countries to attract cargo flows through the port of Turkmenbashi. The first event will take place on February 14 - an online discussion by industry representatives about the practical aspects of maritime transport.

Combining the efforts of the public and private sectors through the Turkmen Logistics Association and the port of Turkmenbashi opens up good prospects for the development of the transport and logistics industry of Turkmenistan and increasing transit cargo flows.